I am really a fan of these two DH character. Apollymi- the Goddess of destruction known as the DESTROYER and Savitar- the Chthonian God? Haha. Or famously known as the OMEGRION LEADER.. I've been so transfixed with Apollymi's hatred towards Sav. What really happened way back to the two of them. I've read from a DH book which I can't so much remember who, that Sav felt a remorse from a mistake he did in the past that makes the destroyer hate him. The question is: What the heck was it? It also means that he and Apollymi shared a past together. Hmm. Interesting. Love it. What kind of past tho? Maybe they're lovers, once? I wish. HAHA. But we all know that Apollymi is loyal to the core to his hubby Archon. So let's scratch that thought shall we? But it's free to imagine.. right? That would be awesome. And even though Apollymi hated Sav, she still trusted him to protect Apostolos (Ash). She ordered Sav to keep Ash safe no matter what and Sav was compelled to carry her wish because he still felt guilty of what he did to her. So Sav was the one who taught Ash how to neutralize and control his power.
I hope they'll be more of him and Apollymi in the up and coming DH books. xx
Some of their convo that makes me smile and go gaga. Fan-girling mode activated. xx
Savitar: (angrily heading towards Apollymi) Why didn't you stay put?
Apollymi: (gave him a cold haughty stare) I'm the goddess of destruction. Did you really think I'd stay put while they eat their way through my home? I need you to get Sin after them. He's a Sumerian god, he should police the creation of his own pantheon and clean up their mess.
Savitar: (snorted) You know if I do that, your granddaughter will be fighting right along beside him, don't you? The last time she fought the gallu, they almost converted her into one of them.
Apollymi: (hissed at him) Why did she marry that no-account Sumerian god? Fine. Don't tell them.
Apollymi: In case you haven't noticed we have a major situation playing out. We have to find and stop War, corral the gallu, protect Apostolos, and get Savitar out of here.
Jared: Why the latter?
Savitar: (shook his head) I hate you too, precious.
Apollymi: (sneered at him) Put on some real clothes. What is that you're wearing and does it come in adult sizes?
Savitar: (looked highly offended by her attack on his wardrobe) Caro pants and a Hawaiian shirt are real clothes.
Apollymi: Not in my realm they're not, and button that shirt.
Savitar: Hey! (snapped when the shirt closed itself) You know there are women who would pay to see me naked.
Apollymi: I'm sure there are women you pay to see you naked. Perish the thought, but I'm not one of either group. Now hush while I think.
Aren't they sa-weet with each other? Even Stryker was amused by their banters and it's the first time he saw Apollymi acted so animated. Is it because of Savitar's presence? Hmmm. <3
Even though the only something they've shared was HATRED, a girl can wish... Maybe.. just maybe Sherri will have a big big mistake that will result the two of them together. HAHA. Cool. xx
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